Thursday, February 24, 2011


Lately I've been trying to relish in the moment, be happier and enjoy more of life (this includes my "getting my athlete back"). I've been trying to find the sunshine in every little thing I do to make this journey work. Today, I had a bitter sweet experience. For my workout this morning I had a little bit of extra time so I kept on running. The good news I'm back to 5K shape, then I went to what they call 'body trackers' to weigh myself and Hayden. When I weighed myself in there it said that I'd only lost 2-3 lbs from when we moved down here!!! Mind you, when we moved down here I was not in the best of shape and Hayden was only 8 weeks old so I still had baby weight to loose. I can't figure out why I would only be a few lbs lighter after all the walking I do everyday AND all the hard work I've put into working out!!! This right here is why I hate scales!
I'm not going to lie this was very discouraging, especially after how hard I've been trying with my caloric intake, which I've never really worried too much about before. I'm feeling a little lack of motivation now. :o( I'll keep going but I'm not going to lie and say that this just plain SUCKED! I was going to take a progress picture today, but it's going to have to wait, I'm a little scarred today.


  1. Are you kidding me?! You should know better than to trust a dumb scale! :o) Seriously - with all the walking/running and effort you've been doing - you know it's not about the number on the scale. How are your clothes fitting? I bet money that you've gained muscle - and of course, we know that weighs more than fatty mcfat.
    AND, after each kid - your body type kindof changes, and while you can fit back into your "skinny" jeans or pre prego clothes - your body is NOT the same, including the weight distribution AND the weight itself. I got down to my pre-WEDDING weight just recently - and while the scale said that I was that weight, my pre-wedding clothes that I've been hanging onto didn't fit at all. (I hope that makes sense).
    Mostly what I'm rambling on about is DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! Seriously, you are inspiring and doing a GREAT job! (I even started working out this last week because or your motivation!)
    I hope that you continue in your quest to be healthy! GOOD LUCK, my friend!

  2. Thanks Diana!! It helps to know that I'm not just typing into this machine only for my benefit... :o) My clothes are fitting better, it just sucked to see that number when I so optimistic.

  3. You should totally come over and weigh yourself on our Wii, I lost 5lbs automatically from the stupid scale at the gym. :)

    You don't even need anyone else to see it if you don't want.
