Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 14

Today went well again. I was really tired today and rode the bike, which I haven't done in a while and I forgot how hard it can be if you put it up ona high resistance. I did weigh myself on hte messed up scale at the gym and roughly I can say I think I've lost 2 lbs. Not a huge amount but we'll hopefully get a better number at Body Trackers.

Any suggestions on good breakfasts that are easy that can help with energy?


  1. I don't know what you really have availible to you but I know many people who swear by peanutbutter toast in the morning... Oatmeal is also good (sticks to your ribs as my grandma would say!) Good job so far!

  2. Banana! It's actually pretty filling, I usually eat a piece of bread with jam too though...
